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Kids Blowing Bubbles

Children Now

Youth represent the future of our society. We must give them the best conditions possible to grow, so that they may flourish in life. This is why our goal is to propel the cause of the family, by concentrating on numerous phenomena such as divorce, family mediation, poverty, school dropouts, bullying, street gangs, delinquency, health and the environment. We offer consultation services, assistance and support to individuals in distress experiencing family issues. We also organize activities for underprivileged children all year long.

Upcoming Events

Spring Festival

Children Now is organizing three Spring Festivals

with the objective of sponsoring 700 children aged between 4 and 8 years old. The children will enjoy numerous arts and crafts workshops, inflatable games, a festive show filled with laughter, singing and dancing, a chocolate egg hunt, and of of course, they will enjoy a hot meal and receive a variety of gifts. Help us make this experience a memorable one for the children! 

Latest News

Image by Tevarak Phanduang

Leadership Now Youth Program

Leadership Now is youth program that addresses issues of bullying, discrimination, and violence with the help of empowering coaches, mentors and young leaders.

Image by Tyler Nix
Learning Space for Parents and Youth

Alongside professionals in the field, we have developed tools for every family member. This space provides videos, case studies, and answers to FAQs in subjects related to divorce, family mediation, health, bullying, street gangs, and more. We touch upon the realities of challenges that families may face so that harmony may be found.

Help Line

Children Now also offers a free and confidential help line. We offer an attentive ear and legal information. If needed, we will present you with available options and refer you to the appropriate resources. The organisation possesses a databank which includes more than 2 000 community resources including self-help groups and legal services.

Helping Hands
Teenagers in Nature

Youth Leadership and Climate Action

From July 7-9th 2021, Children Now held its 10th International Symposium: Youth Leadership and Climate Action. A Charter of Global Ecological Responsibilities has been launched following the Symposium. The aim of the Charter of Global Ecological Responsibilities is to safeguard the rights of all present and future generations to a healthy and ecologically balanced global environment. This is made possible by supporting and promoting the protection, enhancement and prudent care of the environment everywhere on Earth as well as to empower the youth as future environmental leaders to think holistically and envision truly creative solutions to ecological problems.
Click below to learn more!

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