Parents involved in high conflict protracted disputes over the care and residence of their children often come to the attention of child protection services (CPS). These families come through a number of routes including; referral by police, the result of calls by family, neighbours or community members to attend during a moment of conflict; report to CPS by third party services such as assessors, parenting coordinators or therapists; and more regularly the result of reports by one parent alleging untoward behaviour by the other parent. Of allegations made by one parent about the other, many are unverified and the incident is logged as parental conflict.
Gary Direnfeld, MSW, RSW is a Canadian Social Worker in private practice. He is recognized from his 65 episodes of the hit show Newlywed/Nearly Dead, to over 550 columns as the parenting expert of a major metropolitan newspaper, to more than 400 media appearances, to his book, Marriage Rescue: Overcoming ten deadly sins in failing relationships. Courts in Ontario, Canada, have deemed him an expert in social work, marital and family therapy, child development, parent-child relations and custody and access matters.
The 2018 International Symposium of Children Now regrouped numerous experts in family mediation through whom we had the chance to hear different conferences pertinent to how to deal with high conflict family situations in the 21st Century.
Principles and Recommendations of the Children Now 2018 International Symposium are available at Click here to purchase the printed version or e-book.